Henrietta Junior High was built in 1928, and has had a long history of preparing students for the real world. Originally the school was called Walker High School, and was an 8th through 12th grade campus. The campus became Henrietta Junior High (HJH) in the spring of 1959. Renovations and additions have occurred, since then at HJH, to meet the needs of all students. Henrietta Independent School District provides HJH with a multiplicity of resources for our students, which allows our teachers to prepare our students for the vast technologic global society they will live in. The Faculty and Staff of HJH believe that all students can learn through high expectations for their future! We believe that our mission as a campus is to prepare every student through education with the skills necessary to be a successful part of our school, community and society. We are professional educators, who believe through organization, curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional growth & development, community relations, and student support we will be able to do what is necessary to make each student successful in their academic, social and emotional endeavors.

Jolliest Bunch of Teachers This Side of the Hallway at HJH!
Jolliest Bunch of Teachers This Side of the Hallway at HJH!
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