Thank you to the Clay County Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Office for providing our students with a prevention program. They partnered with Henrietta ISD, Petrolia CISD, Bellevue ISD, and Midway ISD to bring the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Watch UR BAC program back to Clay county for all Jr High and High School students to attend the educational program on Vaping on the morning of November 18th. This program will focused on health risks, dangers, long term impacts, and more.

Three HJH band members qualified for the district band at the contest in Seymour, TX. Congratulations to Kennedy Blevins, Christopher Childs, and Korbin Davila. They will perform in Seymour, TX on December 14, 2024.

Henrietta Junior High One Act Play performed "Ten Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse" in Graham and place 2nd on November 14, 2024. Students who received individual awards are listed below. Congratulations to all!
Best Performer
Chris Childs
All Star Cast
Audrey Davis
Aubrey Knight
Honorable Mention
Malachi Cameron
Rylie Berend
Stella Durham
Outstanding Crew
Kaitlynn Garrison

Henrietta Junior High One Act Play placed 2nd in District competition on November 14, 2024.

Today is World Kindness Day! Remember to spread kindness to others today and every day!

Bearcats Give Back! HJH Students Working at the Food Pantry!

Wall of Honor in the hallway of Henrietta Junior High for Veterans Day.

HISD families! This week is Bearcats Give Back! Some important things for you to know:
Monday: Community Spirit dress up day/wear red, white, & blue to show your patriotic pride
Wednesday: World Kindness Day dress up/wear neon to "Be a bright light in someone's day"
Be on the lookout for food drives and animal shelter drive this week and send much needed supplies with your student!

Decades Pep Rally!

Decades Pep Rally

Decades Pep Rally!

Decades Pep Rally!

TOMORROW IS THE DEADLINE to sign up for Christmas Assistance!! While you are there, make sure to sign up for services with the food pantry to get food help for Thanksgiving week!

Parents - Please click the link below to view the HISD Parent Newsletter for the end of October 2024:
Have a great evening!
Jaime Clark
HISD Superintendent

If you are needing assistance with Christmas this year, you will need to sign up with the Clay County Outreach. If you have a blue or pink form, those must be turned in to them by THIS FRIDAY, November 8th!!

If you know one of our community members or HHS graduate who is currently active duty and deployed, please email their name and mailing address to Ms. Shannon @ shannon.fletcher@henrietta-isd.net by 11/20/24. This will be for a gratitude project we are working on. Thank you!

Disney Pep Rally at HJH!

Disney Pep Rally at HJH!

Disney Pep Rally at HJH!

Disney Pep Rally at HJH!